
Uesugi Laboratory


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*研究室配属について [#n6451f63]
**上杉研参画を目指す諸君へ [#wc790ab6]
**他学部・他大学から上杉研参画を目指す諸君へ [#wc790ab6]


|CENTER:''時 期''| |h
|修士1年9月~修士2年5月まで|①上杉教授にメールし、研究室見学を申し込む&br; ②見学日時決定&br; ③見学・研究室の考え方の説明・見学者のプレゼン(10分程)&br;  ・研究室員との昼食&br;  ・研究室内見学&br;  ・研究員との面談|
|修士2年4月頃|上杉教授から受験推薦&color(#ff0000){(*)}; |
|修士2年9月|医学研究科へ受験申込&br; (医科学博士3年制、医学博士4年制のいずれか選択)|
|修士2年11月|受験、合格発表&br; (上杉研で推薦を出した方々の合格率は100%です。上位合格しています。)|
|修士1年9月~修士2年8月まで|①上杉教授にメールし、研究室見学を申し込む&br;②見学日時決定&br;③見学・研究室の考え方の説明・見学者のプレゼン(10分程)&br; ・研究室員との昼食&br; ・研究室内見学&br; ・研究員との面談|
|修士1年9月~修士2年8月まで|上杉教授から受験推薦&color(#ff0000){(*)}; |


***&color(#ff0000){(*)};推薦選考基準 [#a3d155dc]



***修士課程学生として [#r039cd80]


**入学後のトレーニングと待遇 [#wc790ab6]





**Lab Meeting [#wc790ab6]

SIZE(3):Our lab-meeting schedule consists of two series of presentations. In one, a discussion leader talks about a short paper that he or she thinks VERY interesting (every one of scientists has a couple of such papers that he/she never forgets), and we discuss why the paper is exciting. The goal is to deduce the principles or concepts behind interesting papers and apply them to our own research. The discussion leader should e-mail a PDF version of the paper to everybody in the group before the presentation. In the other series, a lab member gives a 15-min talk about his/her own research and summarizes his/her progress. The goal is to polish presentation/discussion skills and to discuss the experimental results. Your presentation needs to convey concepts and results in a very clear and concise manner. A good presentation also infects the audience with the excitement of the speaker. A chairperson is assigned to each presentation. The chairperson needs to introduce the speaker and ask good and constructive questions. In both series, speakers are encouraged to use a projector and required to speak English for the presentation. Questions and answers can be made in Japanese. However, it is always encouraged to speak English. If Japanese was used for part of discussion, Dr. Uesugi will provide English translation of a summary of the discussion to non-Japanese members.

**Chemical Tracing Club (Detective Quiz of Small Molecules) [#wc790ab6]

SIZE(3):It is a challenge to predict the biological activity or target(s) of a small organic molecule from its chemical structure. The aim of Chemical Tracing Club is to train our eyes for such prediction by discussing structure-activity relationships of reported bioactive compounds. In the club, we freely discuss structures, pharmacological effects, and molecular targets of bioactive compounds. Uesugi will pick up one recently published molecule every week and assign it to the discussion leader of the week. What the discussion leader is supposed to do is to trace the structure of the assigned molecule back to that of the original lead compound, to investigate other structure classes that target the same protein, and to extract the possible chemical signatures for the biological activity. The other members of the laboratory can independently investigate the structure of the molecule to stimulate discussion. The discussion leader should make a summary (only single-page diagrams) before the discussion and e-mail their PDF versions to everybody in the group, and he or she needs to input the revolution of molecules in the database (Emil).Discussion leadersare required to speak English for the presentation. Questions and answers can be made in Japanese. For non-Japanese members, Dr. Uesugi will provide English translation of a summary of the discussion right after each club.

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