iQjSlow Dynamics of Soft Matter

Dynamics near Glass Transition

It is considered that glass transition is dynamic transition and extensive studies have been performed, but it is still a mysterious problem in condensed matter physics.  Our group is studying dynamics glass-forming polymers near Tg using quasielastic neutron scattering and dynamic light scattering.
Low energy excitation (Boson peak) and picosecond fast process in meV region.

In most glass-forming materials the so-called boson peak is observed at 2-3meV far below Tg. The inelastic scattering intensity can be Bose-scaled.  On the other hand, the picosecond fast process appears at around Tg as an excess quasielastic  scattering intensity.  The origins of the Boson peak and the fast process are still under discussion.
J. Chem. Phys., 95, 5332 (1991)
J. Chem. Phys., 98, 8262(1993)
J. Chem. Phys., 104, 3841-3850 (1996)
J. Chem. Phys., 108, 6492-6497 (1998)
Temperature dependence of S(Q,w) of polybutadiene.  Red dashed lines are the expected intensities from the Bose factor.
E-process appearing in glass-forming polymers near Tg

We found that E-process appears in glass-forming polymers near Tg in sub-nanosecond region.  This E-process corresponds to elementary process for conformation transition in polymer, which is predicted by MD simulations.
Single bond rotation
Counter rotation

Macromolecules, 24
, 1826 (1991)
Macromolecules, 32, 1672 (1999)
Temperature dependence of S(Q,w) of polybutadiene in sub-nanosecond region (several tens ?eV)

-process (segemental motion)

Glass transition is directly governed by the ?-pprocess. We performed dynamic light scattering (photon correlation spectroscopy) measurements on the ?-process of a glass forming polymer PMpTS. The correlation function can be well described by a stretched exponential function, showing a wide distribution of relaxation time in the a-process.  This is an origin of dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming-materials.

Intensity correlation function of the a-process in PMpTS observed by dynamic light scattering.

On the basis of studies on fast process, E-process, a-process and dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming polymers we have proposed a microscopic picture of dynamics near glass transition.

Local dynamics of a glass-forming polymer studied by thermal neutron spin-echo technique

Thermal neutron spin echo machine:
TASSE in Tokai

Intermediate scattering function I(Q,t) of polybuadiene

Q-dependence of structure factor S(Q) and decay rate ? of polybutadiene.  de Gennes narrowing is observed at Q=1.5A-1, but not at Q=2.9A-1.  ? increases with Q monotonously.
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 74, 3236 (2005)

Dynamics of Polymer Gels
Static and Dynamic Fluctuations

It is essential to elucidate dynamics of polymer gels to understand the response to external stimulations.  We have studied the gel dynamics using neutron spin-echo (NSE) technique,  which is one of the rare methods proving nm scale dynamics directly.   In the series of the studies we have investigated three types of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) gels (I) PVA gels formed in mixed solvent of DMSO and water, (ii) PVA gels  formed in borax aqueous solutions (iii) chemically cross-linked PVA gels by GA, to separate fluctuations into static and dynamic fluctuations.
Neutron spin-echo measurements
Non-decaying component (static fluctuations) and decaying component (dynamic fluctuations), which cannot be separated by small-angle neutron scattering, have been separated by NSE measurements.

Corss-linking points and NSE data
(1) Small crystallites
(2) Hydrogen bond
(3) Chemical bond
Static fluctuations are dominant:
hard gel
Fluctuations are all dynamic:
Soft gel
Static fluctuations increase with density of cross-links

J. Neutron Res., 10, 149 (2002)
Phys. Rev. E71, 011801 (2005)
Physica B, in press (2006)

Dynamics of polymer micelles

Breathing mode in grafted polymer chains on a flat surface in a good solvent has been predicted by de Gennes.  This mode is driven by competition between the osmotic pressure and entropic force of polymer chains.  We have performed neutron spin echo (NSE) measurements on polymer chains in corona part of polymer micelles to elucidate the breathing mode.  The breathing mode was proved in polyisoprene/polystyrene (PI-PS) diblock copolymer, but not in polybutadine/polystyrene (PB-PS).  This has been attributed to difference of the second virial coefficient.

Breathing mode in polymer micelles

Intermediate scattering function I(Q,t) of PI-PS diblock copolymer and theoretical curves for breathing mode.
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 60, 1367-1369 (1999)

Breathing mode disappears in PB-PS diblock copolymer micelle.  This is due to small second virial coefficient of PB chains.
J. Chem. Phys., 122, 144905 (2005)

Dynamics of aqueous polyelectrolyte solutions

In polyelectrolyte solutions the structure is dominated by long range electrostatic interactions.  Dynamics is also affected by the interaction and de Gennes narrowing is observed at the peak position of structure factor S(Q).  On the other hand, detailed studies by neutron spin echo elucidated that degree of internal freedom also affects the dynamics very much.

Q-dependence of Dapp & S(Q)

Macromolecules, 22, 1356 (1989)