Nanophotonics, International Research Center for Elements Science, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

International Research Center for Elements Science
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University




Textbook Seminar

For about two hours a week, students will read a series of textbooks on condensed matter physics or optical condensed matter physics, in order to accumulate knowledge and solidify their foundations for their research. The text will be chosen by the students themselves.


Peter Y. Yu and Manuel Cardona:
Fundamentals of Semiconductors (Springer)

John M. Ziman:
Principles of the Theory of Solids (Cambridge University Press)

Jenny Nelson:
The Physics of Solar Cells (Imperial College Press)

Lukas Novotny and Bert Hecht:
Principles of Nano-Optics (Cambridge University press)

Mark Fox:
Optical Properties of Solids (Oxford Master Series in Physics)

Journal Seminar

Once a week, we take turns presenting several papers on specific research themes that we are interested in, and discuss the major research results and future trends in that field. Presenters need to be well prepared.

Monthly Meeting

The results of experiments and self-learning will be reported in a presentation format using a projector, approximately once a month. The discussion is heated every time, so it often goes beyond the scheduled time. Sometimes it takes two whole days. We aim to improve presentation skills by making presentations that are easy for people with different research themes to understand.

Conference Participation

We actively participate in conferences and research meetings held in spring and autumn every year by the Physical Society of Japan, as well as in international conferences held overseas. Many of the enrolled M1 students gave presentations in the fall of that year. Many students experience international conferences during their master's course. Experience the cutting edge of research first-hand and use it for your own research.

Lorenz Festival

Every year from May to June, we participate in the Lorenz Festival held in the physics classroom on the Yoshida Campus to widely appeal our research to undergraduate students inside and outside Kyoto University. If you are interested in optical materials science, please visit us once.

Social Gathering

Every year in April, the International Research Center for Elements Science jointly holds a cherry blossom viewing party to welcome new students.

Hekisuikai Event

At the Institute for Chemical Research, sports competitions (tennis, softball, tug-of-war, table tennis) and drinking parties (beer parties) are held as Hekisuikai events.